Sunday 9 June 2013

The Zero Calorie Dessert... Candles

Hey Guys!

I have a confession to make: Hi, my name is Penny, and I am obsessed with Ikea. I know it'a not exactly normal for a teenage girl to enjoy trekking around a furniture shop, but they have so many nice pieces in there and I always come out with a bag full of little bits and pieces for my room (and probably some chocolate as well...).

Today I picked up a set of three candles as I've really got into using scented candles when I have a bath and to make my room smell nice. I was instantly drawn to the 'TINDRA LJUV' set as it had pictures of desserts on it and let's be honest, if a candle promises to make my room smell like chocolate cake (or cinnamon buns or creme caramel), how could I resist?

The candles don't disappoint in terms of scent, they really do smell like the desserts they claim to, and although I haven't had much of a chance to try them out yet, they have filled my room with the delicious smell of baking pastries, what's not to love about that?

According to the box each candle has a 25 hour burning time, and I can imagine this is about right as you do get a fair amount of candle in each glass jar- 75 hours of amazing smelling burning time for £2.95- bargain! 

The candle's are packaged in little glasses which are useful in terms of collecting any melted wax and stopping it dripping all over your work surface. Additionally I feel that the glasses make the candles look much more expensive than they are. Overall I just feel that these are a good buy if you want some nice scented candles but don't want to spend an absolute fortune!

You can purchase the TINDRA LJUV candles here or in most Ikea stores (in the UK) for an RRP of £2.95



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