Saturday 15 June 2013

TAG: Why do I wear Makeup?

Hey Guys!

Today I thought I would do the 'Why do I wear Makeup Tag?' as I have seen many other beauty gurus doing it and I feel it's a really relevant, interesting tag for a beauty blogger to do. Clio and I have decided to do this tag separately to avoid creating a post which is way too long and so her half should be published shortly.

1. When did you begin loving makeup?

I experimented a lot with makeup from about 7 or 8 using the little sets I got free from my magazines at the time, so naturally this led to me leaving the house with interesting orange lipgloss-blue eyeshadow combinations! Over time (or at least I hope) I've become more into makeup and the proper techniques for applying it, and I would say that I really started loving makeup and what it can achieve aged about 11 or 12 when I needed a bit of a confidence boost and felt as if makeup gave me this.

2. How do you feel without makeup?

I don't mind going out without makeup nowadays, and probably once or twice a week I will go about my day to day activities totally makeup free as I wouldn't say it makes me feel any less confident, just slightly less 'put together'. A couple of years ago you would never have caught me leaving the house without my eyeliner but how I'm happier with my makeup-free face and so I'm perfectly fine with wandering around without my usual warpaint!

3. What do you like about makeup?

I love how the transformation makeup creates can have such a positive impact on people's self esteem and the way you can use it to mask any of your 'flaws' to generally make yourself feel totally glamorous and just amazing. Finally, I am not great at drawing or anything vaguely arty so I see makeup as a way of creatively expressing myself and I love learning new techniques and skills to make my 'masterpieces' even better!

4. What are your three Holy Grail items?

There are so many products that I love and use on an almost daily basis, but possibly my three most used, most loved items that I would consider as my holy grail products are:

1. The Real Techniques expert face brush- this brush was a game changer for me, making the application of my foundation way more flawless than I thought possible and also making the process of putting it on so much faster!

2. Benefit's Dandelion Brightening Face Powder- I'm in love with this product, for me and my Casper the Ghost- toned skin it's the perfect everyday blush, giving a nice flush of colour without being too over the top. Also, when I feel like my skin is looking a bit washed out I can put it all over my face and it 'brightens' my skin making me look much healthier. Plus it smells amazing too, always a bonus!

3. Rimmel Stay Matte Translucent Powder- sometimes I'm prone to getting a slightly shiny T-zone halfway through the day (glamorous, I know) but this product stops this problem in it's tracks without looking too cakey or heavy- a must have for me even on days when I'm wearing next to no other makeup.



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